Sunday, August 10, 2008

Latest iPhone information: Australian iPhone 3G available from Virgin

Australian iPhone sales are booming and customers are very happy with the actual phone but still perhaps disappointed with the phone bills? Those who have received massive bills on their first months statement should consider upgrading their data pack as this is almost definitely what is giving you the extra expense.

Unfortunately for those who have already bought the iPhone and signed a plan contract all of the first three companies (Optus, Telstra and Vodafone) that have had the iPhone from the start have now dropped some of their plan prices by around 10% (as i predicted they would on my earlier posts).

However for those who haven't yet got the iPhone unless you want to wait till Christmas (expect a further drop of pricing by around 30%) now is the BEST TIME TO BUY THE AUSTRALIAN IPHONE 3G!!


In other iPhone 3G in Australia news...

Virgin has now joined the initial three companies selling the amazing phone and is offering the Australian iPhone 3G on plans that are actually very competitive in terms of pricing and plan flexibility. Virgin is targeting it's sales at the young (the 15-25 age group) by offering decent data plans unlike Telstra and Vodafone.
Here are the main plans for both the 8GB/16GB iPhone 3G models as taken from the Australian iPhone 3G Virgin website page on 10/8/08.

8GB iPhone plan involves: $70 package per month over 24 months which includes:
-8GB iPhone
-$520 monthly included credit
-1GB Data each month

16GB iPhone plan involves: $74 package per month over 24 months which includes:
-16GB iPhone
-$520 monthly included credit
-1GB Data each month

Virgins plans are similar to Optus' in terms of offering a 'fairer' amount of data. If you would like to compare the Virgin plans with the other three check out my post on Australian iPhone pricing (some plans may have changed slightly-see company websites for updated information).
The only downside with Virgin at the moment is a delay on iPhone stock. According to their website:
"The iPhone is so hot, it'll take a little longer to get to you. Order now & we'll email you as soon as yours is on its way. 8GB black/16GB white are arriving weekly, 16GB black is due late August."
But for existing Virgin customers looking for an upgrade or for those who like the look of their caps the addition of Virgin to the list of companies selling the iPhone 3G in Australia can only be a good thing!
Happy iPhone-ing!
Cheers, Lachlan.

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